SMARTLY Elegant was born from my desire to guide my clients to smart clothing choices that would enhance their natural assets while giving them the confidence and ease to dress for any occasion. Most people want to know they look their best for business and social events. I offer guidance for selecting clothing that helps an individual reflect their inner spirit, their style, and portray the image they want to present to the world. I help them build a functional wardrobe with a fresh approach to pieces already in the closet, as well as share information about sustainable clothing choices.
We are experiencing dramatic changes in our lifestyles. More women are reaching positions of influence, as leaders, as business owners, and as champions of societal changes. All genders have more freedom to express a personal style, even in a traditionally conservative business environment. Dressing for work and for most social occasions allow flexibility and comfort as well as personal expression. Our image plays such an important role in the way others perceive us. It takes only milliseconds for a first impression. Every day we make first impressions in our encounters whether in the office or at the grocery store. When we give our appearance the detailed care we deserve, we feel more self-assured. I know I have succeeded when clients return with a story about their own success or delight after our work together.
The right colors, shapes, silhouettes, style choices, and accessories all work together to create a lasting positive image. Tailoring, quality of the fabricused and construction are the details important to achieving poise and confidence. In recent times another element has been added to the process of dressing ourselves. Enough research has surfaced to make us aware of how the enormous waste, overproduction, and carelessness in manufacturing methods have contributed to environmental pollution and human suffering. As part of helping you choose your clothing wisely, I will offer tips about how informed choices can make a difference while being economically sound and still achieve that elegance.
About Pamela

Pamela’s sister and mother
I have over twenty years of professional experience in the fashion industry. However, the love of beautiful clothes and attention to style began much earlier. I began making my own clothes at 12, sometimes replicating costumes from favorite movies. After high school, I explored career options, a year’s study in fine arts, a year in basic liberal arts, and various courses in a myriad of subjects. It wasn’t until my sister suggested I study fashion that I actually discovered it was the direction that I had been seeking. I graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a degree in Fashion Design. Since then, I have designed and created custom clothing, taken courses in what is known as French room millinery, created hats and headpieces for boutiques, bridal customers and the entertainment industry. For several years I was a costume designer’s assistant. During a transition in my career, I took a job in sales at a major brand department store. When the position opened, I applied for and became the store’s clientele specialist. It was here that I realized my passion for helping women with their clothing choices, so that they feel confident and attractive with their appearance which in turn elevates their sense of self worth and well being.